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Car Donation Charities in California The act of donating a car to charity is one of the most rewarding things you can do. When you donate your car, you do more than just support a charity. You actually help to improve someone's life. To help a needy person, please donate a car to one of these respected charities in California. Established in 1946 in Davis, California, Freedom From Hunger has been fighting chronic hunger and poverty in the world through innovative programs designed to help families achieve long term food security. Their programs are serving over 18 million people in some of the poorest countries in the world. They are both nongovernmental and nonsectarian and they have been given an A- rating from the American Institute of Philanthropy. Car Donation Charities in California Teach for America works to ensure that children in low income areas get an excellent education. Less than half of the children in California are on grade level for reading and math, and it ranks 48th in academic performance. In the Bay Area, Teach for America has been providing great education for over 10 years. In Los Angeles, they have operating since 1990. Teach for America works to recruit leaders who work to expand educational opportunities in low income areas and then teach for two years in those areas. The Guthy Jackson Charitable Foundation is dedicated to the treatment and a cure for neuromyelitis optica. NMO is a very rare disease that can affect the optic nerve and spinal cord. People with this horrible disease can develop vision loss, or weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of the arms and legs along with sensory disturbances and loss bladder and bowel control. Although there are some treatments available a lot more research is needed to find better ones and a cure. A Home Away From Homelessness is dedicated to supporting and nurturing the needs of homeless and formerly homeless children and families in San Francisco and Marin. Their homes provide a physical, emotional and spiritual break for children along with educational, social and recreational opportunities. Family Builders believes that every child has the right to grow up in a permanent, nurturing family regardless of the child's age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or medical, physical or emotional condition. Family Builders educates the community about the needs of waiting children, advocates on their behalf and places the children with permanent, secure families through adoption. Car Donation Charities in California You can donate your car The car donation process is easy and the pickup is free. You can donate your car even it no longer runs or is in poor shape. You just need to have a title for your car and it needs to be where the tow truck can easily get to it. In return for your car donation, you will get a valuable tax deduction and a sense of pride knowing you have done a really good thing. (collectibles)
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Do you know that more and more homemakers today are trading Forex? It's no longer a secret and as a matter of fact, the number of homemakers who later become successful traders is rising fast. Despite the busy days managing everything at home, these homemakers still manage to trade Forex without abandoning their tasks and not only that, these homemakers also contribute enough to the their family financially. This story is not exaggerated at all. It's pure reality. The good news is, believe it or not it can also be your life story. Before you can get to their level, you must go through the whole process. Fortunately, you can choose from one of two paths-the difficult way and the wise way. The two scenarios below will help you understand the differences: Scenario A-the difficult way Maria is a housewife with two kids. Her husband is the backbone of the family; financially speaking. He takes home a good sum on his check every month and provided his wife and their kids all of their needs. Nonetheless, being so effective and efficient at doing her task, Maria felt that she is having too much free time around the house. As a result, she began searching for something that might be worthwhile to do and found Forex to be the suitable one for this purpose. So she started buying DVDs, home coaching, and even attended online seminars hoping that she would be able to make money consistently. Eventually she ended up spending $5,000 for the whole thing before she even started trading Forex with real account. She diligently practiced everything that she acquired from the resources that she bought. With great discipline, she finally had the confidence to trade using a real account. Maria told her husband that she is ready to trade with real account. Her husband supported her and gave her another $6,750 to open a real account. So she started her Forex trading journey carefully and conservatively because she did not want to waste her husband's hard earned cash. A month later, her account is already up $500 making a total of $7,250. Her husband and children were very happy about this. The next month, she lost $75 so her total is now $7,175. The month after that, she added another $730 to her account so the new total is $7,905. So far, the money she spent as an investment is $5,000 (in terms of business, this is not classified as expense because you hope to bring more money by spending it) and the amount of money gained for three months is $1,155. All this happened in 6 months-3 months in training and honing her trading skills and 3 months in real trading. She relied on herself to do the trading and managed to do so and more importantly her husband and children are proud of her. It is indeed a great job. Scenario B-the wise way Jennifer is a homemaker with two little boys and a daughter. Her husband work from 9 to 5 and he never missed a chance to take additional tasks in order to impress his boss. Meanwhile, Jennifer herself is pretty busy with her three little ones. They are very active around the house and so, Jennifer doesn't really have that much time to take a break during her hectic time. One day, her friend introduced her to online business and told her that she could make money from the convenience of her home without abandoning her kids. Moreover, her friend told her that she can do this even without any skill or knowledge. Out of curiosity, Jennifer asked them how. Her friend told her that there's a service that can help her achieve this. Not only that, the service also comes with a learning opportunity. Jennifer spent some time to think about it and convinced herself that she can do this because even though she is busy she yearned to be able to do something to help build her children's future and take some burden off her husband's shoulder. So Jennifer talked about it with her husband and he handed her $6,200 because they don't really have that much cash for this. Jennifer then setup a real Forex trading account with her $5,500 and subscribed to a trading signal service just as her friend told her. She paid $100 for the trading signal service and she get the help of Forex professional to do the most difficult part in trading for one month. She wanted to gradually build her account and don't want to be reckless and greedy so she traded Forex conservatively. At the end of that month, she managed to bank $520 making her balance $6,020. It's a good start. And then she paid another $100 for the next's month's service. During that month she took home $300 and raises her account balance to $6,320. Not bad. She took another $100 from the $700 that she set aside to pay for trading signal services. This time around, she added $683 and ended up with $7,003. Summing up, Jennifer set aside $700 for the purpose of paying the trading signal service and already spent $300 from it and the amount of money she added to her trading account so far is $1,503. Everything happened in a short period of 3 months and Jennifer is now getting better in her learning and soon she might be able to trade by herself and more importantly she can contribute to the family financially. Great job, Jennifer. The moral of the story is you can do it on your own and spend a lot more time, effort and money (she needed $5,000 to prepare herself and another $6,750 to fund her real account) or you can cut the time and only prepare almost a half less money ($700 for the purpose of paying monthly subscription fees and $5,500 for the opening a live Forex trading account). Both of them aim to become a proficient Forex trader and needless to say, both of them have the same opportunity. The differences between the two paths are clear. You decide which one to choose. Now, assuming that you choose to go with the wise way, you only have to follow 3 simple steps below: Step 1: find yourself a trusted Forex trading signal service and pay the subscription fee. This fee will grant you the ability to use their service for the next 30 days (one month). Step 2: for the most part, you will have to wait for the trading alert to hit your email or cellphone or trading platform. Whenever good trading opportunity emerges, the service will send you a trading signal complete with entry and exit point and also stop loss level in the form of email or text message (SMS) or trade alert. This can be twice a week or even more depending on the market condition. In the mean time, you can browse the website to find trading tutorials and resources so you can learn how to become a successful trader yourself. Step 3: once you get trading signal you need to enter the orders (open a buy or sell position and the stop loss or take profit level) exactly as written. A trading alert will include where to open a buy or sell position and also where to put a stop loss or take profit level. If the trader(s) from the service sees some changes in the market after you enter the position they will update you with another alert telling what step you need to take. Sometimes the recommendation is to exit the position or to modify your stop loss or take profit levels. This will help secure part or whole profit you have from dropping so you can maximize your profit. Those are the only things that you need to do. To be bluntly honest, nothing is even near this level of ease and comfort in the Forex trading world. The convenience is why many people use a trading signal service. So, if you are ready to go with this path, there are several tips that can help you maximize the use of the trading signal service: Some prerequisites before you continue... Before you can make money or expect to do any analysis you must first familiarize yourself with the new environment. Learn as much as you can about the terms used in the industry and try to understand the basics of how the market works. You don't have to go too deep just as long as you know how things work. Much of the information you need can be found simply by using Google and enter Forex glossary as the keywords or term. Also, you need to familiarize yourself with the trading platform that is widely used in the Forex world. Meta Trader 4 (often abbreviated as MT4) is no doubt the most popular trading platform in Forex trading. Meta Trader 5 is already on the market but the basic function is the same and MT5 is still not widely used compared to MT4. To familiarize yourself with MT4, you can go to Alpari U.S. (or Alpari UK if you are not a U.S. resident) to register a demo account and download their MT4 platform. The familiarizing phase will usually take about two to three weeks at most. Make sure you use the same price feed or Forex broker. It is essential that you use the same price feed that the Forex trading signal service uses. Of course the reason is because there is no central data center that feeds Forex brokers with prices. Other trading market such as the futures market has central data feed/clearing service like CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) that acts as the sole price feeders to futures brokers on ES (S&P 500 futures). Thus, you will the same price for ES even though you use different broker. Unfortunately this is non-existent in the Forex market. You will definitely see different price on different broker. The difference might vary from 1 to 5 pips and this is huge. It might not seem huge in the first time but over the time the difference will accumulate to a gigantic amount. If you are trading using a standard account (100K contract size) 1 pip is equal to $10 so 5 pips is equal to $50. Now, if you have a big account and trade 5 standard lots the amount that you will lose can be anywhere from $50 to $250 in a single trade. Suppose that you trade once a week with 5 standard lots the amount that you will lose over a period of 1 year is anywhere from $2,600 ($50x52 weeks) to $13,000 ($250x52 weeks). That's a lot of money. This is why it's crucial to use the same Forex broker that the service uses. Stay close to your computer or cell phone. This is also important. There are three main delivery methods used by Forex trading signal services: email, text message (SMS) and pop up alert via your trading platform. You can imagine what will happen when you are not near your computer or cell phone, right? Chances are you will miss a good trading opportunity or two. Also, you need to be mindful if you use a laptop or a notebook because there is a chance that your laptop will run out of battery so make sure you plug the cord. A blackout is rare but it is also good if you have a UPS. Sound is also important so you can hear any incoming email or text message. Last but not the least is to make sure to monitor the battery of your cell phone or smart phone's. Never doubt a trading alert. The rule of thumb is to enter a trade when you receive a trade alert. Do not hesitate. Hesitation can lead to procrastination and procrastination can lead to missing trade opportunity. This is why the number one rule when you use a signal service is: never doubt or hesitate to enter a trade recommended to you. One thing that is clear in Forex trading is you never really know for how long a trend will last but you know for sure is the amount of risk that you can take. This is why you should treat every trading opportunity the same no matter how you feel about it. Riding the trend is only possible when you are in the market not outside the market. Don't try to modify a trading alert/signal. This is the one subject often overlooked. You should never try to modify the trading signal. The signal comes from trader's analysis and you might not understand his method of analysis and therefore, you should not attempt modifying the signal. When you receive a trading alert that recommends you to buy EUR/USD as 1.3000 it means you should buy at the exact price. Every pip is important because there are considerations behind every trading signal such as trading technique, risk levels, the currency pair's unique behavior and current market condition. Thus, modifying any element in the trading signal will affect the trade outcome. That is why it is better to enter the trade just as recommended and leave the trade unless the trader update you with some changes due to market condition. The only time you can modify the entry or exit order is when you already understand the trader's trading method. How to measure the trading performance? A good Forex trading signal service can deliver anywhere from 5% to 30% per month. Those figures are the average and therefore, the actual result will vary depending on your risk tolerance. If you are a risk taker, you might gain more but there is also a chance to lose more and if you are conservative trader, you will obviously gain less with reduced chance of losing. One thing you need to avoid is jumping from one trading signal service to another trading signal service. There is really no guarantee that the other trading signal service will perform better. High risk always equals high reward. The one thing that you should seek out in this business is consistency. It is far better to subscribe to a service that can consistently deliver 10% to 25% than to go with the one that deliver 50% this month and then -20% the next month. Remember, consistency is very precious in this business. Only subscribe to a genuine Forex trading signal service. The task of finding a genuine and great Forex trading signal service is not easy. The fact that the internet is filled with hundreds of Forex trading signal services makes it even more difficult. Every Forex trading signal service claims that they are the best and it takes time to really find the one that stood up to the claim. Picking a genuine, great service involves evaluating several factors such as reputation, result and proof. Of course it is not necessary to subscribe to each one of those services just to find the genuine one because it will cost money and time to do so. If you choose the wrong service you will not only end up in disappointment but also you will lose money not because of the fee but in the form of losing trades. Moreover, you will lose good trading opportunities and time. This is why you should only deal with a genuine Forex trading signal. A great service will benefit you in the long run and there is no substitute for a successful Forex journey. One last note, don't fall for services that claim they have lower fee because lower fee does not equal higher profitability. You might save some bucks but you might lose a lot in unprofitable trades. Trading Forex is not easy and it is even more difficult if you don't know where to start. Acquiring good information is always the first important step and you already have it. The simple steps and guide provided above will help you greatly in your Forex journey as they did to other homemakers around the world. The next thing to do is of course to take the first step in your Forex trading journey because obviously, knowledge and information means nothing if you don't implement them. Find out about the best Forex trading signal service in the market today by visiting this website [] Article Source: Article Source:
How To Donate a Car In California Are you ready to donate a car in California? If so, good for you! Donating a car to charity is a wonderful decision on many levels. First of all, your donation goes to help a great cause. Plus, you get your old vehicle or junk car moved off of your property free of charge. You are also recycling an old vehicle, and you also get to claim the car donation as a tax deduction. In this post you'll find some tips on how to donate a car in California and some specific requirements you should be aware of that relate to California car donations. 1. To donate a car in California, you begin by submitting an online car donation form or calling the charity you wish donate your vehicle to. If you wish to claim the car donation as a tax deduction, be sure to check that the charity is an IRS recognized nonprofit organization. 2. The process for receiving the tax receipt for your charitable donation may vary. Some charities will email you the initial receipt while others have the tow truck provide you with the receipt at the time of pick up. This is just an initial receipt and enables you to claim a tax deduction of up to $500. You should check with the charity to find out what their procedure is for providing you with this receipt when you submit your vehicle donation. 3. In the State of California, the license plates remain with the vehicle, so these should not be removed prior to the pickup. 4. Filing a Release of Liability with the California Department of Motor Vehicles is an important step you do not want to miss when you donate a car. This document releases you from future liability which may arise for any reason after the vehicle is donated. In California the procedure for filing a Release of Liability is that you must return the pink portion of the title or DMV form REG 138 to your local Department of Motor Vehicles. Alternatively, you can file your release of liability online at 5. If your vehicle sells for more than $500, or if it qualifies for a fair market value tax deduction, you will receive additional tax paperwork after the sale of the vehicle takes place. The amount you will be allowed to deduct on your taxes will vary depending on several factors which could include the price the vehicle is sold for or whether the vehicle is classified as a fair market value car donation. 6. One last point we should mention is that if you plan to claim your car donation tax deduction on your 2012 taxes, you need to make sure you donate the car well before the deadline of December 31, 2012. The charity should have possession of the vehicle before midnight on December 31st, or at least have the pickup well in the works, in order for you to claim your tax deduction in 2012. Don’t wait till the last minute as there could be delays that could result in you being unable to claim the donation as a deduction for the current tax year. If you have any further questions related to your car donation tax deduction, most charities are relatively knowledgeable about the process and paperwork needed, however, you should consult a CPA or accountant for specifics regarding your particular tax situation. For additional questions related to car donations in California, you can contact your local DMV or visit the California DMV website for the latest information on state specific requirements.

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